Sunday, October 26, 2008

This is a long time coming - well maybe not that long...

So I finally got around to working on pics from the fair here are some of my favs:

Lovin the Texas Star

Seriously Fried Grilled Cheese - is quite possibly the most heavenly fried food I've ever had!!!! Carb and cheese - FRIED - what's not to love.

Gotta love the Alpacas! they were so soft - and apparently expressive - Glenn was able to catch this guy mid yawn!

Here piggy piggy! Isn't he so cute and pink!

And this is basically what I looked like for the entire fair!

See more of my fair photos!!!

Yipee - to an awesome weekend with my hubby - more on that later this week!
Blasted - to being up at 11:01 and blogging when I should be asleep!

Monday, October 20, 2008

This is a preview

Glenn and I went to the State Fair this past weekend! We were there for 8 solid hours - and we had a blast and collectively took like 400 pics - ridiculous I know! More to come I'm nursing a cold right now - so all I really want to do is fall asleep on the LoveSac. ummm yeah that sounds good.....

Yippee - to lots more to blog about - pics will come soon I promise!
Blasted - to my nasty cold

Sunday, October 12, 2008

This is quick quick slow, quick quick slow...

And yes that would be the count for the Rumba - which we learned at our BALLROOM DANCE CLASSES!!!!!

(The look on Glenn's face before our lesson - we were both a little nervous!)

Yes friends - we're officially insane - or at least I am. It was my surprise date for Glenn on our Anniversary!!!!! It was fun (and don't let Glenn tell you he didn't have good time!) And Glenn is actually better than me - hopefully our next couple of lessons I'll pick up a little better!

Before you know it I'm going to have him in sequins and a competition number!!! :)
Yippee - To having a great dance partner
Blasted - to having to go to work tomorrow :(

Tuesday, October 07, 2008

This is two years!!!!!

Glenn and I were married two years ago today! I'm such a lucky girl! We've had a great two years - they've been totally awesome. We have had so much fun together – no matter what we are doing. I knew marriage was going to be fun – but I never would have guessed it would be this great!

I'm such a lucky girl! I got flowers two days in a row (Glenn knows I have a soft spot for them)!

Glenn came and picked me up from work for a little lunch outing to Chuy's – yum. And tonight we planned to go to Twisted Root – one of Glenn's favorite burger joints – but they were closed :(. So we went to Jake's instead.

Glenn and I have an arrangement that I plan even number anniversaries and he plans odd (we'll work together on the big ones). So it's my year and the big anniversary date/activity is on Saturday – we had planned it for Friday. But we were graciously offered tickets to the Stars opener this Friday!!!! Glenn doesn't know what we're doing yet - but I'll definately post about it - it's gonna be awesome!!!! So it's shaping up to be an eventful and fun-filled week!!

Yippee – to being one lucky girl!

Blasted – to still being up

Sunday, October 05, 2008

This is quite possibly the most exciting news this year!!!

Glenn and I were driving home from a wedding he DJed in Waco and I glance to the side at a resturant that used to be Shady Oak Barbeque. And what did I see but a "Now Hiring" sign with a name that I didn't get a good look at but had a hunch. I grabbed Glenn's iPhone and googled as quick as my finger could type. And friends it's true.....

Plano is getting a Chuy's.....
Just let that sink in a bit..............

Seriously I so stinkin excited it's ridulous!!!!!!

Yippee - to the new Chuy's
Blasted - to not being very productive this weekend.