Monday, July 14, 2008

This is a conflicted heart

So I called my mother today and she informed me that Allen Stickney passed away on the 6th of July. I would venture to guess that none of you have ever heard of or met Allen Stickney , but he has been in m life for as early as I can remember.

Allen and his wife Alice were friends of my parents- they met in Georgia when my father was serving in the Army. Alan and Alice were called to the ministry, specifically to missions. Every since I can remember they've served in Kenya. I'll never forget the stories they'd tell about their kids being timed when taking bathes in their boarding school!

They both impacted everyone they come in contact with. Several years ago - how long I can't remember - Allen was diagnosed with cancer - but Allen knew his God was bigger than any cancer and stronger than any medicine. He had complete faith God would heal his body - and He did - how amazing is our God! Even with the cancer Allen never waived when it came to his ministry - he continued to work with his church and the IMB in Kenya.

A little over two years ago the cancer came back - but it certainly didn't slow him down. He came to our wedding bald chemo head and all - and he worked it!!! The cancer was more severe the second time around and he ultimately lost his battle to it. But Allen certainly did not lose!

This is where my heart is conflicted. I have such joy that Allen is with his Savior - but such sadness that we no longer have him. I know it's selfish of me - it's human nature I guess.

All I can say for now is it's gonna be great to see Allen again someday - mischevious grin and all!

Please keep Alice in your prayers, and their children and grandchildren. They've lost an amazing husband, father and grandfather - who right now is praising his Father in Heaven!!!

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